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Часовой пояс: UTC + 4 часа

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 Сообщение Ср 27 янв 2016 23:30
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Зарегистрирован: Пн 7 ноя 2005 11:30
Forum Rules.

General provisions:

    G.1. Each user if registered automatically agrees to these Rules.
    G.2. Only registered users can leave messages in any section of the Forum. There are no other limitations in browsing the Forum for unregistered users (in comparison with a registered one).
    G.3. Moderators maintain order and readability of forums and ensure observance of these Rules.
    G.4. Moderator is assigned to his position or removed from it by the administrators.
    G.5. Moderators can delete or move any message, as well as close, delete, or move to another forum any topic at their discretion. Users must comply strictly with the requirements of the moderator.
    G.6. Moderator can block your account or forbid you to leave messages on the forums. To track users’ violations the Forum uses the well-known system of warnings.
    G.7. Moderators may allow derogation of the Rules in some topics, in the context of a particular topic and forum in general.
    G.8. Discussing moderators’ actions is forbidden on the Forum in any form (except the case when an administrator or moderator offered it himself). Actions of moderators can be discussed with moderators and administrators in personal correspondence (PM, mail, Skype).
    G.9. Due to the fact that the present Rules may not describe all possible situations, a moderator can make unconventional decisions based on the norms of morality, ethics and other bases.
    G.10. The Administration is entitled to make a final decision on various problems and disputes. Administration orders must be strictly fulfilled by all the members (including the moderators).
    G.11. Think over your nickname on the Forum carefully during the registration! For the subsequent change of nickname you would have to present reasonable arguments, because the option «I want so» will not work. Also keep in mind that for nicknames it is recommended to use only numbers, symbols «-» and «_», space and the letters of Russian or Latin alphabet only.

Attention! On the Forum it is not accepted to discuss these Rules and policies of moderation. If you have something to discuss, feel free to contact the Administration personally.

You can complain about the actions of moderators to administrators providing a description of the problem. There is no one to complain to about the actions of administrators. Admins’ actions are not under any discussion and are taken for granted.


    P.1. Rudeness, insults, threats of physical violence or any acts contrary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation or falling under the Criminal Code (or provoking other users in these actions).
    P.2. Statements that offend people on racial grounds or religious beliefs.
    P.3. Failure to comply with moderators regulations, for example, creation of new posts and threads deleted by him. If your topic or message disappeared, you can ask forum moderator, informing him about it in person, or ask a question in the topic «Глас народа» (rus. «Popular cry»).
    P.4. To use rude and obscene language in nickname. It is also forbidden to use nicknames that are similar to existing ones (except for special situations: for example, loss of access to an existing account).
    P.5. To post or ask for serial numbers, ways of breaking the copy protection, links to download cracked paid software, especially the games of the SkyRiver Studios, as well as for cheats and hacking algorithms for the SkyRiver Studios games.
    P.6. To send the same message to several topics. Such messages will be deleted.
    P.7. The use of profanity in any form.
    P.8. To create empty messages, spam, deliberate advertising, as well as non-informative messages such as «cool», «Full Respect», or having only smiles instead of text.
    P.9. To use the Forum for personal correspondence. For personal contact please use Private messages (PM) — there you can even ask your fellow for a mail or Skype.
    P.10. To create messages that provoke violations of these Rules.
    P.11. To ask to answer a question by e-mail.
    P.12. Unreasonably extensive use of text formatting (color, size, etc.).
    P.13. Coloring the entire message in any color in any of the forums. The exceptions are those where it is expressly permitted: sections «Разговоры на отвлеченные темы» (rus. «Discussions on abstract topics») and «Творчество» (rus. «Art») («По мотивам» [rus. «Based on»] and «Другие творения» [rus. «Other creations»]), exclusively for decoration of your work, and not for discussion.
    P.14. Multicascade quoting and citing large messages. Leave only the part of the quote you are commenting.
    P.15. To have a signature of more than four lines of text, including blank lines. If you use pictures in the signature, then the total size of your signature still must not be more than usually occupied by four lines of text.


    R.1. Please try to keep your message consistent with the subject of the forum.
    R.2. Take care in choosing a title for your topic, as it should briefly reflect the essence of the issue. The topics entitled «Help», «This is urgent», «Have a problem», «Tell me who knows», etc. will be deleted.
    R.3. The users of the Forum shall be responsible for their words and be accurate and correct in the statements they make and the information they give.
    R.4. In order to avoid international disputes all messages on the Forum should be written in Russian (in extreme cases in Latin) or in English (for people who don't speak Russian). For our foreign guests we have the special section.
    R.5. Try to avoid «offtopics». When adding a message make sure it corresponds to the topic under discussion.
    R.6. Observe the design etiquette. You should not «shout» and draw attention to your topic by using letters in upper case, exclamation marks in large quantities, etc.
    R.7. You should not point to other users that their posts mismatch to these Rules. If you think that someone’s message does not conform to the Rules, feel free to leave a note to the moderator of this forum or administrator by pressing the «Report the post Изображение» button.
    R.8. If the posed problem is solved, please write the solution in the thread. Perhaps your information will be helpful to other users.
    R.9. Show respect to the language you write in. Try to write as competently as possible, punctuate, do not distort words. A large number of mistakes can talk about your contempt of members of the Forum. Using the transliteration is acceptable only if you cannot write messages in Russian letters.
    R.10. For coloring the text please do not use too contrasting and bright colors. Constant color change is also not recommended.
    R.11. When quoting, press the «Quote selected Изображение» button strictly in the post where a piece of text is selected. The person, in whose post the citation button has been pressed, and not the one whose words are quoted, will be displayed by the Forum as the author of the quotation. Pay extra attention to this.
    R.12. We strongly urge: before writing your question or creating a separate topic make sure it wasn’t already discussed on the Forum! First, take a look at FAQ, or, if you did not find the answer to your question, use the search function Изображение.
    In extreme cases, you can manually view the available sections for the respective game. There are not so many.
    It is clear that it’s not always possible to run through all sections looking for the necessary answer. But you can at least ask your question in the most appropriate topic.
    R.13. If you created a theme, please do not finish your post with phrases like «And don’t tell me to use the search again!» You shall be given a warning for such messages immediately.

All posts and topics that do not conform to these rules and recommendations shall be removed.


The Administration shall remove inactive users’ accounts on the following criteria:

  • Registered but not activated accounts — after 1 week;
  • Activated but never logged in on the Forum with their account — after 2 weeks;
  • Having zero messages and not having logged in on the Forum for 1 month.

Attention! Only members with 10 or more messages can create new themes on the Forum. Useless flood aimed at increasing the number of posts dealt with severely. Learn how to use the search and browse titles of already asked questions. Sure your problem is not new on the Forum.

If you are a pioneer, please inform the moderator of section and he will create a topic with your question.

The Rules may be modified. Ignorance of the Rules is no excuse for violating them.

Rules ver. 1.4 (30.12.2017)

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