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 Сообщение Вс 31 янв 2016 9:44
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Зарегистрирован: Ср 11 май 2005 9:48
Game: A.I.M. / Механоиды
Links: Oficial Website
Description: A.I.M. is the game about mechanical life of the future, struggle and confrontation, courage and slyness, reality which is a dead ringer for our own. This is the game for those who love freedom and is ready to make a decision.

Here you may talk about and discuss this game.

Земля, Земля - я Юпитер!
Зарисовка в стиле AIM - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiWtIz9g3Uw

 Сообщение Ср 30 мар 2016 14:34
Сообщения: 3
Зарегистрирован: Ср 30 мар 2016 14:31
Hello. I am currently experiencing a problem with the game (installed it before, finished it about 10 times), I cannot play the game. I install it, open it, choose the difficulty, then the trailer pops up and if i skip it/ wait it out, the game crashes and closes itself. Do you have any idea how I could fix it?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

 Сообщение Ср 30 мар 2016 18:43
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Сообщения: 7132
Зарегистрирован: Пн 7 ноя 2005 11:30
cyclops19, hello. Maybe you should try "windows xp compatibility mode" (you can activate it in "Properties" of game label, bookmark "Compatibility" [at least in Win7 it works so]).

Тысячи часов поиска и все впустую.

 Сообщение Ср 30 мар 2016 21:06
Сообщения: 3
Зарегистрирован: Ср 30 мар 2016 14:31
Вадим писал(а):
cyclops19, hello. Maybe you should try "windows xp compatibility mode" (you can activate it in "Properties" of game label, bookmark "Compatibility" [at least in Win7 it works so]).

Tried it, still does the same thing :( And it's so hard because all the information about this game is in Russian, and I don't know a single word of it :(

 Сообщение Ср 30 мар 2016 21:10
Сообщения: 3
Зарегистрирован: Ср 30 мар 2016 14:31
WOW. Just tried with Windows98/ME, worked. You are great, thanks a bunch!

 Сообщение Чт 31 мар 2016 22:03
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Сообщения: 7132
Зарегистрирован: Пн 7 ноя 2005 11:30
U're welcome!

Тысячи часов поиска и все впустую.

 Сообщение Сб 3 дек 2016 4:25
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 18
Зарегистрирован: Вс 16 авг 2015 19:18
can t finish the quest where i should bring the data to the test facility (snow sector). Its the mission where you should get 3000 and a "special weapen" as reward.


the only test facility i could found in this sector is by the nagooner (look picture) but they only say unfriendly things to me...

please help me :god:

Последний раз редактировалось Вадим Сб 3 дек 2016 13:50, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
Moved; image size - fixed.

 Сообщение Сб 3 дек 2016 8:38
Разработчик идей
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Сообщения: 4577
Откуда: Минск, Беларусь
Зарегистрирован: Ср 14 ноя 2007 19:00
Option: join some clan Nargoons are friends with. Not sure, maybe Sinigr? Then the Nargoons will be happy to see u. :wink:

BTW, how is the German translation of the game? Looks good or u found a lot of ugly translations? Just curious.

Сообщество креативных механоидов:

 Сообщение Сб 3 дек 2016 13:49
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Сообщения: 7132
Зарегистрирован: Пн 7 ноя 2005 11:30
namenloser, you shouldn't start a new topic for every single question you have. You can discuss your problem here. Merged.

Option: join some clan Nargoons are friends with. Not sure, maybe Sinigr? Then the Nargoons will be happy to see u.

Since there is a bug, it's imposible to join Sinigr, you remember. Another clan should be found, I suspect almost any one will change the relation at least to "bad", allowing to fulfill the quest. namenloser, make a save and try!

Тысячи часов поиска и все впустую.

 Сообщение Сб 3 дек 2016 19:16
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Зарегистрирован: Вс 16 авг 2015 19:18
The problem is that they hate me :hm: ?
Imagine that in normal live, oh you have the information i need ? to bad i hate you, so go away.

BTW, how is the German translation of the game? Looks good or u found a lot of ugly translations? Just curious.

the German translation of the game is almost perfect, make it even more strange that nobody knows that game here.
only the text in the menus is strange/bad Questlog=in german diary... (tagebuch)
or to see the information about the mech (the 3. boxe in menu) is named Glieder=limbs :lol:

 Сообщение Сб 3 дек 2016 21:28
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Сообщения: 7132
Зарегистрирован: Пн 7 ноя 2005 11:30
namenloser писал(а):
The problem is that they hate me :hm: ?

Exactly. Be careful, if you are "ENEMY OF ORGANISATION" you will have problems with the communication with this organisations bases, even if you need them for quests. The organisation just doesn't want to have deals with you.

Тысячи часов поиска и все впустую.

 Сообщение Пн 5 дек 2016 3:43
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 18
Зарегистрирован: Вс 16 авг 2015 19:18
ok i leaved the "überbringer clan" (trader first sector)
and now i could end this mission thank you :supercool:
now i have some small questions about the game.
Normaly the game ist smoth (200fps) and everything but when i pres m for the map i have exactly 12 fps and the mouse sensitivity is really low, is there a know problem ?
can i talke with other gliders ?
do clans hate me when i kill a lot of them or do they only hate/love me if i´am in special clans ?
is there a way to friend a bit with clans that don t like me ?
where can i finde/get repair moduls ?
tkanks again

 Сообщение Пн 5 дек 2016 8:36
Разработчик идей
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 4577
Откуда: Минск, Беларусь
Зарегистрирован: Ср 14 ноя 2007 19:00
Just a low fps on M? Lucky, could be worse. The devs are very creative on bugs. Mine had flashing ground surface, bluish-colors in menu, random crashes, unnamed containers and mechs - all kind of things. :D
Command-based talking with gliders made it's way only in M2 (available on Steam).
Clans have relations. Joining a clan applies clan's relations to u. Killing a clan members worsens relations. Not sure what improves it - time only, I guess.
Relations between clans and player are predefined. Can either worsen when killing members or go back to default over time. Want to be friends - join their' friends clan.
Repair modules are a sort of treasure - appears randomly anywhere. But I often find some in Volcano sector in factories (not sure about buildings' names, in the North-West area).

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 Сообщение Пн 5 дек 2016 10:46
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Сообщения: 18
Зарегистрирован: Вс 16 авг 2015 19:18
I boght aim 2 on steam already but i prefer it on German on my disk version.
my Favorit bug is the music replay bug, the song starts all 5 seconds and only a game restart fix it.
or the "more then 260 look distance" let the game crash.
some texture fails are ignore-able for me, at least the core game is working.
We could make a book about all the bugs.

 Сообщение Пн 5 дек 2016 14:08
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Зарегистрирован: Пн 7 ноя 2005 11:30
namenloser писал(а):
do clans hate me when i kill a lot of them or do they only hate/love me if i´am in special clans ?
is there a way to friend a bit with clans that don t like me ?

A small addition to what was said by Shaman. Relations of various clans to you can be unexpectedly connected. For example, being in a bad relation with Invaders (the raiders from 1-st sector who fly in groups of 3 typically and use small fast gliders) leads to a bad relation with Sinigr. Why? We can only guess.
Also may be the thing that the relation of some clan goes up when your relation with their enemy clan goes down.

Repair modules are a sort of treasure - appears randomly anywhere.

As I remember, the repair modules can occur in limited number in raw bases. Randomly. And maybe also in Arctic.

Тысячи часов поиска и все впустую.

 Сообщение Вт 6 дек 2016 18:19
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 18
Зарегистрирован: Вс 16 авг 2015 19:18
As I remember, the repair modules can occur in limited number in raw bases. Randomly. And maybe also in Arctic.

i found 3 in the desert sector :D

is there somewhere a map for all the sectors ?

 Сообщение Вт 6 дек 2016 20:53
Разработчик идей
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 4577
Откуда: Минск, Беларусь
Зарегистрирован: Ср 14 ноя 2007 19:00
Hm, Vadim (Вадим) may pinpoint it - should be somewhere in the forum... But actually, the whole game content is available thks to fans' community and SDK for M2 from devs, so in case u may be familiar with Unreal Engine 4 or willing to learn it, u may "Join The Force" and help with the remastering of the game... :roll: I mean, if u or ur friends know C++ and UE4, aim-fans.ru' team may provide u guys all the required content to start with, in case u r interested. I think germans are good with gamedev generally, but not so creative with storylines (I may be wrong, but that is what I believe), so we can give u the AIM world to rebuild, what would u say?

Сообщество креативных механоидов:

 Сообщение Вт 6 дек 2016 21:27
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Сообщения: 7132
Зарегистрирован: Пн 7 ноя 2005 11:30
namenloser писал(а):
is there somewhere a map for all the sectors ?

Some of them can be found here: viewtopic.php?p=32542#p32542 The others are not available already, but I can upload the missing if you need.

Тысячи часов поиска и все впустую.

 Сообщение Пт 9 дек 2016 19:35
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 18
Зарегистрирован: Вс 16 авг 2015 19:18
Some of them can be found here: viewtopic.php?p=32542#p32542 The others are not available already, but I can upload the missing if you need.

hey thank you for the link, could you say me how many bases/location the swamp have ?

SDK for M2

does that mean develop kit AIM2 ?

u may "Join The Force" and help with the remastering of the game

sorry but right now im really busy with my work education, till 1.10.2016 (if i fail it i have to do 8 months more)

if u or ur friends know C++ and UE4

learning C++ is already on my list and UNREAL 4 is also and interesting engine to work with.
im looking at it in the future.

but before that, im gona make a huge AIM review, 1 in german and 1 in english, i already have another aim fan that promised me to help me with it.

 Сообщение Пт 9 дек 2016 21:31
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Сообщения: 7132
Зарегистрирован: Пн 7 ноя 2005 11:30
namenloser писал(а):
hey thank you for the link, could you say me how many bases/location the swamp have ?

Finally I decided to restore the maps in the post which is now more then 11 years old :smile: Check it: viewtopic.php?p=32542#p32542
(Clarifications in English are specially for you!)

namenloser писал(а):
does that mean develop kit AIM2 ?

Right you are.

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